Handling Magento errors
Magento ships with a new feature, which effectively hides errors from your visitors. If some kind of error occurs – a PHP Fatal Error, or PHP Notice Error, or database error – the actual error is written to file and not shown on screen. But when developing Magento sites, this behaviour might actually become annoying. Luckily you can easily re-enable the error-displaying again.
Showing errors anyway
Displaying the error on screen is much easier to work with. To enable the error-displaying again, navigate to the errors-folder in the Magento root, and rename the file local.xml.sample to local.xml. The XML-file should contain a line similar to this:
You can see that the action here is configured to print the message on screen, while the original dump is also left on the filesystem (in var/cache). You could also change the XML-code a bit to remove the dump-file instead:
Mail me if an error occurs
Even cooler is that the XML-code also allows you to define an email-address to which mail should be sent if some error occurs:
<config> <skin>default</skin> <report> <action>email</action> <subject>Whoops, something went wrong in Magento</subject> <email_address>info@example.com</email_address> <trash>delete</trash> </report> </config>
Those of you who have wondered why errors were displayed using the original skin, can also see that the skin can be changed as well here:
Hope you find this all usefull.
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